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An 8-week, mind-body programme for optimal health and self-mastery.

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Join Gaby Cabrera-Kimchi, functional medicine health coach, founder of Wellness with Gaby and the creator of the Optimal Living Method
Emma Watkins, founder of Agora, creator of The Wobble Toolkit, and yoga and breathwork teacher, for an 8-week holistic health reset  for improved vitality and self-mastery.

Emma and Gaby deeply believe in the need for a multi-dimensional approach when it comes to health, recovery and prevention.

They are joining forces bringing together their respective fields of expertise to create a programme that works on all dimensions of health, from the Inside Out - combining cutting-edge science, ancient wisdom, years of combined trainings and practice, as well as first-hand experience using root-cause resolution practices for better health. 

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Inside Out is a programme for health-seekers wanting to become the architects of their journey to optimal health and self-mastery. 

If you want to:


  • Feel restored, renewed and strengthened;

  • Feel clear-headed, connected to purpose and ready to take on the world;

  • Have actionable, accessible, tools and tips based on the latest scientific findings to restore the mind and body to balance;

  • Have a framework and support to create your own health care plan;

  • Feel empowered to take control of your health;

  • Have a 360-picture of your own physiology, an understanding of symptoms and an action plan for recovery and/or optimal health....

    then Inside Out is for you!


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We exist in an instant-driven, noise-filled, highly-pressurised environment.

The world is experiencing a health pandemic and at the same time we are faced with a paralysis of choice, bombarded with health solutions and fear propaganda, heaping yet more pressure on us.

Inside Out removes the noise and overwhelm and is created from our combined experience and expertise to restore health through a whole-person approach using root-cause resolution methods.

We combine mind, body and soul: functional medicine and nutrition, lab analysis, yoga and breathwork to empower you to navigate your own path to recovery, prevention and/or optimal health, and bring the body back to balance and connection.

For too long we have relied on others to tell us what our mind and body need, it is time to take back control and tune into our own inner wisdom using science-backed methods that work!

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We increase our self awareness which allows us to better understand our physiology. We can become masters of our health and have the knowledge and tools to dip into that are individualised and able to adapt to the ebb and flow, highs and lows of life. We will rapidly see a decrease in mood swings, fatigue, brain fog, digestion issues, cramps, hormonal chaos, and feel restored, renewed and strengthened in body and mind.

Image by Chang Duong
Image by Simran Sood


We are more sensitive to life's wobbles, our weight fluctuates, we are prone to frequent illness, mood swings, we feel out of control, overwhelmed, suffer from brain fog and don't feel motivated, we sleep badly, have overpowering food cravings and disconnect from ourselves.
All of these create systemic imbalances in our mind-bodies which overtime lead to diagnosable diseases.

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Image by Helena Lopes


  • Any individual who is interested in owning their health and better managing their self-care;

  • Those who feel burnt-out, lost or stuck;

  • Those suffering with crippling digestive issues;

  • Those experiencing acute mood swings;

  • Those with long-standing symptoms, who have been told they are 'fine' and, yet, they don't feel fine; 

  • Those who feel it is all in their head and they just need to push harder to feel better; 

  • Those wanting to thrive, not just survive.

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Book your health background and goal-setting session

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1 x 90 min session health background + goal setting with Gaby and Emma

3 x 60 min sessions focused on The Wobble Toolkit with Emma

3 x 60 min sessions focused on The Optimal Living Method with Gaby

1 x 90 min round up session evaluating programme outcomes + goals with Gaby and Emma

Voice mail and text support Monday-Friday, 9-5pm, throughout duration of the programme

Tailored lab analysis/ reading/resources/teaching materials to support sessions

A 100% personalised roadmap to better health inside and outside

Accountability and powerful mentorship to help you set up habits that nourish your health for life

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"It’s more clear now than ever that changing our diet, lifestyle, and behavior is the single most important step we can take—as individuals, and as a society—to improve our health and well-being and increase our resilience to the world around us".

~ Chris Kresser ~

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If you still have questions about how Inside Out can support your journey to optimal health and self-mastery, we would love to hear from you!

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Gaby is a functional medicine health coach, holistic health advocate and educator, founder of Wellness with Gaby and the creator of the Optimal Living Method.

Having suffered and recovered from chronic stress and adrenal dysfunction, she is on a mission to revolutionise women's health by empowering women to understand their bodies and harness their hormones, at any stage of life, using functional medicine.

Gaby combines cutting-edge functional medical science with bio-individual health coaching to help clients unearth the root causes that are creating imbalances in their unique female biochemistry, instead of simply band-aiding symptoms, so they can take action and finally enjoy sustained, radiant health.

She is an active member of the UK's Health Coaches Association, works with clients 1:1 globally, and runs bespoke masterclasses and group workshops for corporate clients.

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Emma is an entrepreneur, yogi and mother. She pursues deep and extensive learning in the fields of mental and physical health, acknowledging that success in life goes hand in hand with achieving self mastery. She has completed numerous yoga trainings across different disciplines, including trauma, disability, pre + post natal, yin and breathwork. Emma originally launched Agora as a members club in 2017, consolidating the founder network she had started whilst working for a tech start up. She passionately believes in the power of the collective and in the magic of the right connection. After having children, Agora slowly evolved into a consultancy with wellbeing and community at its heart and she now splits her time between yoga teaching and workshops, working with investment opportunities in the med and bio tech spaces, and advising businesses and individuals on how to build resilience, and their own Wobble Toolkits to help them navigate a long term sustainable path to success.

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"Think of coaching with Gaby as hiring a detective who will not dismiss any symptom and will not stop until she gets to the root cause - and then knows just what is going on and how to help you fix it. Gaby helped me uncover an underlying thyroid issue which had been ignored by doctors. Before working with Gaby, I was floored every month by extreme lethargy during my period and had to take to my bed, sometimes in pain, but always with zero energy to move. For several months now, this hasn't happened! I would say if you are even considering health coaching, then yes, you do need it, and no, you won't feel the improvements from just reading a few books. Instead, hire Gaby - it's life changing!".

Francesca, Professional Photographer

"Emma is the most inspiring teacher and each lesson I am always taken aback by her deep understanding of the practice. This most certainly isn’t a generic yoga class! Each class is totally focused on your specific needs that day, she also knows just when to challenge you. I was slightly apprehensive having never done yoga before how I would learn via zoom but her instructions are so clear I can follow easily, even with my eyes closed. Emma doesn’t just teach how to do yoga but instils a love of the practice. Could not recommend her more as a teacher".

Emma, Oncologist

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